Congrats Melissac... you are our Random Winner for Wednesday :) WOOHOO!!!!
Please email me your info at
hsonboul@gcdstudios.com and place "RWW Aug 26th" in the subject line.
So, yesterday was one of the longest days ever! After talking to my son's school district Dean and me trying to get him out of that school district (released), he told me it wouldn't be a APPROVED and that we just need to "deal with it". I called Jason (my hubby) and he said "It's time to move".
We live in the Hawthorne Ca school district and it is sooo not safe! After crying, a good friend suggested Creigs List. Welp, lucky us... we found a new home (in less then 12 hours). The Crazy part is that we need to be moved out before this coming Sunday! So.... to all our GCD Friends, I ask of you to please be patient with me :) I will still be blogging, but I will be away from my emails.
For those of you that have won things, are Product testers, or Spot light up coming gals... I will be back in good shape soon and will be in contact with you.
For today, here is a BEAUTIFUL and BRIGHT layout by our dear Lynn!

Isn't it just adorable???!!! She used the new Sunny Days collections.
Contracts Melissac and thanks everyone for understanding!