
Wish me luck :)

I'm about to hop on a plane, because I'm teaching in Portland Oregon tomorrow. Sadly, it's not open to the public, because it's for scrapbook stores. I'm totally nerves to fly, because I'm flying at night. I normally take day trips.

Big Girls Don't Cry RIGHT?! lol

Anyways, I'll be teaching this
When I get back I'll share all the details. Wish me luck on my trip and that I won't freak out on the plane! haha


  1. Cuter than CUTE!

  2. What a cute project Heidi! Hope you have fun!!!

  3. Oh my gosh! This is such a sweet project and such good use of the chip art tools. Love it!

  4. Gorgeous project!
    I have made a couple of things for my craft space using the Homespun Chic papers: memo board and a recovered tin but I haven't managed to get my hands on a chipboard tool yet.

  5. Love it! It looks like it has little hinges.
    The Chip Art touches are BAM!! :)
